Timber News & Resources
Discover what we’re up to at WL West Timber, as well as useful information on different timbers, trends, products and services.
Exploring the Myth Behind D30 & BS5756
In the timber trade it has always been important to understand the differences between species and end use applications. Moreover, one of the most important ways to select a timber for the job is to consider its strength merits when compared and contrasted with other species.
7 Things to Know About Ash
Ash (Fraxinus Excelsior), also known as European Ash or Common Ash, is a timber that has been used in the United Kingdom for centuries. This hardwood is experiencing bad press due to Ash Dieback Disease, here are 7 things you need to know about this underrated timber.
5 Best Timbers for Sustainability and Environment
We are committed to helping sustainability initiatives wherever possible. However, there are some timbers which outperform others when it comes to sustainability, so we've rounded up the 5 best timbers for sustainability and environment.
5 Must Know Facts on the Properties of Ash Wood
Ash wood is a hardwood that has been used across the UK for centuries. Discover the key qualities of this versatile wood and how it can be used today.
Oak - It Doesn't Grow on Trees!
The increasing demand for oak has caused some concerns here at W L West and Sons Ltd. Explore why.