About Our Work - Machined Timber Suppliers & Services
Machined Timber Suppliers - Wood Cut to Size Near You
During our many, many years of business supplying timber as timber merchants, W. L. West & Sons have prioritised (and prided ourselves on) the versatility of our woodworking machines in producing our machined timber.
Important to us was not only the power and durability of our timber-cutting machines, but also how well they worked together so we could take on practically any timber job. Because of this, our yard in Selham, Petworth now has a carefully curated selection of heavy-duty woodworking machinery that allows us to manufacture and cut timber in-house, giving us full control and keeping delays and outsourcing costs at bay for everyone.
This article aims to shed a little light on the variety of ways in which our expertly-controlled machines can cut timber to size and why accurately-machined timber in its complexities is crucial to a plethora of projects.
1. Hardwood Machined Timber Services UK
Hardwood machined timber
Have you met our Weinig Multi-Rip saw? This powerful machine of German design is easily adapted to cut different sizes even while still running, saving both manufacturer and client a lot of time. The machine's high degree of accuracy ensures consistently high product quality. Because timber always has to be cut to size, no matter the project, and because the accuracy of this process is crucial to the end result, it is one of our most-used and important pieces of machinery. No matter what your machine timber requirements are, we have the tools and manpower to match them to the highest possible standard.
2. Machined Profiles
A 7-headed moulder like our Weinig Unimat 1000 is of particular interest to joiners for bespoke machined profiles. We are able to copy most profiles from bygone eras as well as make bespoke cutters for one-off projects, using disposable tip technology on our planing heads to ensure the highest quality results. During our work on heritage sites such as HMS Warrior and HMS Victory, part of the work involved imitating the eighteenth-century decorative mouldings and profiles of the ships. This involved the vertical lamination of individual layers of softwood, each one designed from its own template and profile moulded on our Unimat.
Original moulding samples from HMS Warrior
New laminated moulding
3. 5-Axis CNC Machine
Not our latest addition to the group, but certainly the most technologically sophisticated, the 5-Axis CNC allows for timber to be cut and shaped in whichever shape the computer is told to produce. Because the instructions are digitised and directly control the cutting tool with extreme accuracy, results are picture-perfect and easy to replicate. Curves, for example, are no longer the bane of any carpenter's hands but the baby-bottom smooth result of the cutting tool following a vector. We use Solid Works 3D; if you have the step file, we can save you money during the drawing process by uploading your file directly.
CNC machine for machined timber
What's more, with the advent and increasing popularity of 3D printing, more and more people are realising the possibilities of customisable 3D crafting. There's already too much plastic in the world, so more people are turning to timeless timber, our only naturally renewable and hugely versatile resource on the CNC, to experiment and invest in. If you have a product design in mind, the CNC market is rocketing: now is the time to try out your ideas.
Concluding Thoughts
As well as our state-of-the-art machining facilities, we supply high-quality hardwood and softwoods. We work hard on keeping lead times low and offer a contactless delivery service as well as click ‘n’ collect services at our yard.
Contact us today for your machined timber requirements! The responsible purchasing of raw material is our priority.
WL West Timber is a family-owned sawmill & timber merchant in West Sussex with over 155 years’ industry experience. We provide a wide range of air-dried oak and kiln-dried oak timber products and supplies. We also build and install custom projects for our customers.
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For entirely finished products, timber supplies or woodworking tools, have a look at our online shop.